Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Signs of Improvement

Hi guys!!!
    Sorry!  I have not posted for a long time , but the fact is that I have been very busy getting ready to go to college. Lately, I have had many tests and I had to study for all subjects. But I realized that my grades improved a lot in one subject in particular: Inglés. I wonder why. Certainly, by the help of Vocabulary Spelling City and the lessons of the first course.

    The teacher noticed that my writings in English had improved considerably and asked me how I had gotten. I told him about Spelling City and blog; then told me that I should continue writing because my vocabulary and, in general, my English has reached a higher level with the help of word lists, educational games and all the theory I should be reviewed to write to the blog.

    So, I come with new strength to learn because Spelling City will help me not only to learn English but also to get a good grade on the exam I am going to have in May.
    For now, here is the paragraph that I had to write this lesson, using the words from the list.

      English teacher asks to write a brief paragraph in which I must include all the list words. It is a hard work to me because I am afraid when I have to write in English. Although I can´t explain this feeling but I think I can handle the tasks that weigh on my shoulders. You must try too; choosing between not learning English or know it in depth. Doesn´t matter if you need to erase the paragraph again and again, the important part is your desire to learn. There is no reason to give up! Maybe you will not do it bad at all. Look! I have used eight words from the list, but surely my notes decay because I have not used all of them. Oh, wait a minute! Yes, I did it!

   These words represent two very important vowel sounds:  Long /a/ sound & Long /e/ sound, whose sounds are summarized in these videos.
   For these irregular sounds SpellingCity has a very effective method by which to establish sound-symbol correspondences . See the next link for tips if you also want to Improve Your Writing Skills